sally hall

Room 509 3
Still From Room 509. Image Credit: Jason Hirons

Sally Hall

My work is an inquiry about space, place and the everyday environment. The scope of my work is a broad practice that incorporates architectural and geographical ideas in interior or exterior contexts, from micro to macro arenas, and seeks to reveal or reinterpret the visual and textual signs and forms therein.  My practice is interested in architecture and the city. Influenced by spatial languages and formats I work with the immediate, everyday environment; highlighting those things which are anachronous, banal, uncanny, and overlooked by responding to sites located in urban or suburban contexts.

In recent solo and collaborative work these projects play with the visual and textual languages of architecture, spatial theory, and urban space, exploring their unintentional collisions. In other projects work focuses on the constraints of built forms and plans, the incongruities and ‘place/less’ or ‘context/less/ness’ of urban objects and artefacts.

My work has crossed over into ideas of art and education, with performance walking or tours. This methodology is also a system for analysing place and space as an embodied activity and for place making with an audience. As with recent projects outcomes have a performed element, that is, performed texts, walks, tours and live or video dialogue. They may also take the form of installation or artefacts such as drawings and texts. My research complements existing practices of making through drawing and printing and other forms of dissemination such as blog writing and bookworks.

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